Hunger Statistics Globally
As per the Food and Agriculture organization (FAO), more than 700 million people faced hunger in the year 2022. Himayat with an aim to feed hungry people started this initiative of feeding the hungry people and till date more than 29,000 hungry people have been fed.
One of the major problems that NGOs in India are also closely related, is the discharge of excess food products. The population is hungry yet more than 40% of foods that are produced in India end up being wasted. A large number of food non-governmental organizations are in a process of collaborating with companies and cafes to get unsold food that would be considered as leftovers and deliver such food to vulnerable groups. It not only solves the problem of hunger but also eliminates the problem of food wastage and supports the formulation of sustainable solutions.
HM Foundation by its effort is trying to make a difference by feeding the hungry people. But also there are underlying issues being fought by many food NGOs through sensitization and availing training opportunities, changes in policies, and economic empowerment to the food insecurity prone areas.
Healthcare facilities for people in NEED
The COVID phase proved a nightmare for the poor people as they had no job, no work to do, and no support. Thousands of people were dying due to lack of adequate treatment and healthcare facilities.
Mentioned below are two initiatives to make an impact in improving healthcare facilities-
Promoting Health - HM Foundation has taken the responsibility of promoting health and well-being among vulnerable populations. Through our various initiatives, we address pressing health concerns such as malnutrition, sanitation, maternal health, child health, and infectious diseases. We actively engage in awareness campaigns, health camps, and medical services in underserved areas.
We also focus on preventive measures by promoting immunization, advocating for hygiene and sanitation practices, and conducting health education programs. By imparting knowledge and promoting healthy behaviors, HM Foundation is trying its best to reduce the burden on the healthcare system.
Empowering Communities - We know the importance of community engagement in achieving sustainable outcomes. Therefore HM Foundation works closely with local communities, involving them in decision-making processes and empowering them to take charge of their health. We train community health workers, equip them with essential skills and encourage them to become agents of change within their communities.
Our collaborative approach enables us to implement holistic and comprehensive interventions that address the unique needs of different communities.
Helping the Marginalized with Basic amenities
There is still a large population which cannot even afford basic amenities for themselves and has become a dream for them. We have come up with an initiative to look for such people and change their lives by our small acts of kindness.
We can help them in the following ways:
Be an ally - By paying attention to how often we use generalizations and stereotypes or any other unfair social practices and attempt not to use them. Melt into the background, cover your ears and pay attention to what the oppressed have to say and tighten your belt to endure it.
By Taking action - We should do something good for those who cannot do good for themselves and take risks to speak for somebody when you see them being treated unfairly.
Educate - Increasing people’s awareness of the existence and plight of the minority populations.
Building networks - By Locating other companions with whom we can cooperate with, and by teaming up with other agencies or establishments carrying out the same work.
Extending support to the disabled
Supporting individuals with disabilities involves spending time with them and making them feel valued. By being respectful, visiting them often and asking before offering help can bridge the gap. Providing them with assistive devices also enables them to do things that they cannot perform without assistance.
Providing assistive technologies like hearing aids and screen readers, along with inclusive education and public awareness campaigns, helps reduce barriers and stigma. Legal support and effective policies are crucial in protecting their rights and promoting equal opportunities.
Support services, both in healthcare and social settings, are vital for disabled individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Community inclusion, inclusive employment practices, and vocational training empower them to participate fully in society. Advocacy, personalized support plans, and resources for families and caregivers further enhance their quality of life. Together, these efforts create a supportive environment where disabled individuals can thrive.